This reporting service by INDIRED REAL ESTATE DIAGNOSTIC LLP analyzes available Data and presents the available data in a format that is most easily understandable and usable by the users. This service relies on Government Websites and other trusted sources for the purposes of data collection. Although every care has been taken to ensure the highest accuracy in collection and analytics the service or its promoters/developers or INDIRED REAL ESTATE DIAGNOSTIC LLP shall not be responsible for any errors, human or machine related mistakes or typing mistakes or any direct, indirect, special, incidental or any other damages or losses or consequential decisions arising out of the use of this service/information by any person or any entity thereof. This is acceptable to the querist who indentifies the reporting service by this Disclaimer. INDIRED REAL ESTATE DIAGNOSTIC LLP neither guarantees nor endorses the content accuracy, authenticity, completeness, relevance or up to date status of the information, text, graphics, hyperlinks and any other items of the report and it is advised to further confirm the contents of this report with the concerned department before moving firther or taking any decision. The service or its promoters/developers or INDIRED REAL ESTATE DIAGNOSTIC LLP further reserves the right to use or share with government or banking, institutions or other government, semi government department or autonomous body or other source, this report and the property details in its records for further usage, diagnostics, analytics or any other business activity as the company may feel fit from time to time. The components in this report may change from time to time depending upon the management decision regarding the same. The report and all of its documents/components when used either collectively, or each document/component is used individually, shall be subject to the terms and conditions mentioned hereinabove. The decisions of INDIRED REAL ESTATE DIAGNOSTIC LLP shall be final and binding in all cases. In case of any dispute, all matters will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in INDORE only.